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Main Menu -```> Material Management -\>``` Definitions

Definitions for Material Stock Management are made through this menu


It is a mandatory definition for Stock Management to be done. Warehouse information is required for a material to enter or exit.

Units of Measurement

The units to be used in the inventory records of the materials are defined on this page.

Example: AD - PIECE / LT - LITER / MT - METER / ....

Material Transaction Types

It is the place where the Input/Exit movements of materials and the types of transactions that can be customized according to customer demand are defined.

It is a information for material Entry-Exit or Transfer.

NOTE: To perform a transfer from Excel; Both the "Material receipt" (Increment) and "Material Output" (Decreases) transactions must have "EXCEL TRANSFER DEFAULT" selected.


It is the page where the materials are added to the application and the existing materials are listed with detailed information.

When a manual material input transaction is requested, the code of the material to be entered must be defined in the system.

If a bulk material entry or exit movement is to be created, the materials do not need to be defined in the system.

Optionally, "Minimum stock control" and similar parameters can be added to the materials. Thanks to this feature, materials and information that fall below the desired level of stock can be listed in material reports.

Bulk Material Transfer

The bulk material transfer process is located in the "Materials -```>``` Transfer Material Button":

  • Export to Excel (required to obtain the template)

... After the necessary edits have been made to this downloaded template;

  • Import from Excel

... and the transfer is performed by selecting the populated template.

Material Movements

The page used to add material transactions and list existing transactions.

The transaction is selected from the drop-down list to create a Material Transaction Voucher:

The voucher number is automatically forwarded by the system, but optionally a number that is not defined in the system can be given.

Warehouse: Material receipt is used to keep information about the warehouse to be entered and the output transaction is used to keep information about which warehouse it will come out of, so it is a mandatory field.

Materials to be entered into movement: They are added by using the Materials tab.


Warehouse Transactions

A report that contains transactions that are made on a warehouse basis.

As can be seen in the screenshot below, it contains details of the movement.

Warehouse Summary Report

It is a report that includes the materials in the warehouse and their properties.

Detailed Stock Analysis

In line with the parameters on the "Warehouse Parameters" tab in the material definition, filters can be made in this report.

Material Transactions Detail Report